Welcome. Discover a Powerful World of Healing and Forgiveness.
Writing is My Passion
I am so happy to have you visit my blog. The written word bubbles out of me with zest. As far back as I can remember, I have dreamed of being a published author. And now, with that dream a reality, I am ecstatic to share it with you as I reveal what presses most upon my heart.
Most of my posts divulge further behind-the-scenes aspects of The Hidden Diamond and Robin’s Gift. I am also committed to sharing topics that fill me with passion. This dedication urges me to continue writing both within this blog and additional books in the makings. I will expand on ideas relating to these two books and introduce future books as I get closer to publication.
My Mission
Two internal topics woven within my writing are threads of overcoming abuse and finding the ability to forgive. These threads have evolved into a mission for me. My faith drives me to shine a light on truth while offering a torch of forgiveness. Healing cannot occur in isolation. Because of this reality, I am honored to reach out to you. I glorify God in every post because I would not be here today without my Savior’s Grace. I pray that my books and this blog provide direction and aid in your uniquely personal journey.
Writing Mirrors My Life
All aspects of my writing, one way or another, mirror my life. This truth makes every book and blog far more personal. With God at my side, I survived forty-six years of abuse while existing with debilitating Ehler’s Danlos Syndrome. These experiences turned me into someone who fights for quality of life. My driving force is to encourage others caught up in similar situations to move forth victoriously.
Your Gain
I dedicate my blog posts to offering guidance and support to navigate life while healing from abuse. I extend ways to gain strength and resources to assist others trapped within this horrendous epidemic. Scatter within, I include elements of how dealing with a disability complicates the picture. I hope my written words help those in need break free from the chains of abuse and journey toward freedom.
Discover My Newest Posts
I work hard to create thought-provoking posts to inspire you, my readers. Hopefully, you will gain value from these blog posts. If so, I would like to offer you the opportunity to purchase my books and support my mission to break the chains of abuse. The Hidden Diamond and Robin’s Gift.
Author's Blog: Crystal MM Huntley
Why Is Surrendering Important
Why is surrendering important? To surrender, we must make a choice. Do we fight against what will bring us peace or give in and allow Divine Knowledge to guide us? We all have dreams. One of my dreams is to write a book that reaches the best-seller list. So far,
Discover the Value of Rest
Do you need to discover the value of rest? In today’s world, rest is a scarce commodity. It often seems that the only ones allowed the privilege of rest are the sick and the elderly, yet we all need it. So, how does one find space in their busy day-to-day
A Chance to Begin Again.
Do you wish for a chance to begin again? Ancient Babylonians started the time-held tradition of New Year’s resolutions over 4000 years ago. For more information, see https://www.history.com/news/the-history-of-new-years-resolutions. Over time, the tradition has changed. Today’s idea behind making a New Year’s resolution is the opportunity to erase the past and
Are You Seeking Your Savior?
Are you seeking your Savior? Christmas is a time of celebration for most, but as you put up the tree, take out decorations, and fill your Calander with engagements that keep you overly busy throughout this holiday season, do you take time out to ponder the true meaning of Christmas,
Blessing or Tragedy?
Is it a blessing or a Tragedy? Like that childhood book, Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, by Judith Viorst is that monumental something good, or is it bad? Time and time again, life has shown that what first appears as a tragedy ultimately becomes a
How to Find Blessings out of Tragedy.
How can you find blessings out of tragedy? Many people cannot even fathom that this can be possible. Yet even the most life-shattering events, if allowed, can be used for good. As a habit, I include some aspect of faith in each blog post in honor of my Savior. For,
Turning Weaknesses into Strengths
Turning weaknesses into strengths, is it possible? Few explore this uncommon concept, yet it baffles many. For instance, how can surviving a natural disaster but losing everything be a strength? It seems almost insensitive to say that the untimely loss of a loved one, ripping a heart to shreds, could
Do You Shield Yourself with Busyness?
Do you shield yourself with busyness? Many people naturally tend to remain wrapped up in busyness as a protective shield to separate themselves from undesirable aspects of their lives. These past few weeks have been extra busy for me. Getting caught up with everything and settled back into my typical
What Is Your Rock Bottom?
What is your rock bottom? Most people associate this term with those who are plundering in a downward spiral of drugs or alcohol. However, we all have a rock bottom. It exists in any area of our life that does not serve us. And that includes being victimized by abuse.
Your Brokenness Can Make You Stronger.
Your brokenness can make you stronger. Instead of allowing your brokenness to fill you with shame, allow your wounds to become catalysts for growth. Each Broken space provides the perfect opportunity to let the light shine through, making you stronger. Working with Divinely Blessed Gifts As a child, I strikingly
Make Known the Unique Value of the Learning Process
Make Known the Unique Value of the Learning Process. Going through each step of the learning process can be a daunting task. Too often, as we begin at step one, we are tempted to skip over many of the following steps and speedily head directly to the finish line. I
Do You Know the Significance Behind Orange Shirt Day?
Do you know the significance behind Orange Shirt Day? I used this photo with permission from Robert Pictou Jr.’s shop, https://robert-pictou.square.site. Each purchase of his exquisite artwork supports and brings awareness to Orange Shirt Day. Why Do I Care? I care because I exist with a passionate awareness of the
Urgent Call to All—Help Bring Virginia Home!
Urgent call to all—help bring Virginia home! In many of my posts, I have shared aspects of the abuse I have endured throughout the first forty-six years of my life. Today, I share Virginia Pictou Noyes’s story. And with it, I am sending out a plea. Details of the horror
Unlock the Best Way to Defeat Obstacles
Today, I will help you unlock the best way to defeat obstacles. They stand in our way in every direction we turn. Even the pathway that appears safe and clear from the start can mask many life-threatening obstacles. Cultivating skills to counteract such setbacks placed in our way is a
Have You Heard of the Powerful Tool of Isolation?
Have you heard of the powerful tool of isolation? You may never have thought of isolation quite this way, as a tool, especially not a powerful one. Yet, shutting an abuser’s victim off from friends and family is often the primary tool they use. This method gives the abuser power
Do You Know How Suffering Can Become a Valuable Gift?
Do you know how suffering can become a valuable gift? I wrote this week’s blog as a piggyback to last week’s entry, https://crystalmmhuntley.com/2024/08/why-do-abuse-victims-become-defensive/. Healthy-minded people instinctively avoid suffering. Human beings tend to consider adversity as something to avoid. Too often, Doting parents take this instinctive drive to extreme measures and
Revealing the Best Way to Gain Strength from Wounds
Our topic today is revealing the best way to gain strength from wounds. Last week, in https://crystalmmhuntley.com/2024/08/why-do-abuse-victims-become-defensive/, I posted the well-known phrase “Hurt people hurt people” and explained how I see the meaning behind it. Too often, wounds someone receives due to another’s actions will impede a victim’s emotional growth.
Why Do Abuse Victims Become Defensive?
Why do abuse victims become defensive? Defensiveness from a victim is a common thread that, sadly, holds that victim in the realm of abuse. I learned so well to react with defensiveness that, for years, I could not hear that cutting tone in my voice. Over time, with careful diligence,
Do You Know How to See Someone Differently?
Do you know how to see someone differently? Finding a different perspective can become challenging when heavy emotions mingle with another’s actions. Have you ever had a day like this? A necessary trip to the grocery store calls to you, so you grab your keys and head out. While pulling
Revealing Why Running from Abuse is Never Enough.
Revealing why running from abuse is never enough. Life is a series of choices you must make and be willing to work to receive the benefits. I have found truth in that old sentiment that nothing of value arises from that which comes easily. The person who works diligently for
Tricks of the Narcissistic Trade
How to spot tricks of the narcissistic trade. Not all who abuse are abusers. You may want to question this statement, but sit with me for a minute and let me explain. Yes, the actual abuser always exists. Their act of abuse is threaded so tightly within their core being
What Is the Best Ultimate Choice for You Today?
What is the best ultimate choice for you today? In everything, you have a choice. That choice may be small or monumental, whether you stay or leave. How do you react to a situation? The choice is yours to make. What Makes the Difference? For years, I have pondered the
Do You Accept Your Valuable Gift of Freedom?
Do you accept your valuable gift of freedom? Freedom is an innate gift to us all, however, most who walk this earth have never known the joy of its blessings. Tomorrow, the United States of America commemorates its freedom gained in 1776 by signing the Declaration of Independence. People celebrate
Are You a Workaholic?
Are you a workaholic? People have a long history of doing all they can to skirt around facing unwanted feelings. The drug addict, the sex addict, those addicted to anger and abusive ways, the forms of addictions are countless. Often, they have become that way due to avoiding their feelings
A Hidden Link to Survivor’s Guilt.
A hidden link to survivor’s guilt and healing. So why do some people heal when others break? This question is an ageless one that survivors have asked countless times. You know how it goes—one person, scheduled on a flight, cancels their reservation at the last minute. The plane crashes in
Do You Know How to Find Freedom from Your Perspective?
Do you know how to find freedom from your perspective? For many, doing so is no easy task, but it is well worth the effort. Ask yourself this question. Does my standpoint build me up, or does it suppress me? Those of us victimized by abuse have been trained in the know-how of
Why Are People Quick to Be Critical?
Why are people quick to be critical? Unlock the answer. Abuse comes in many forms, some obvious, still others not so much. One of the more subtle yet widely spread forms of abuse is criticism. To see more Crystalisms, go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/1360983917796761. Five years ago, when my Westie was a
Do You Know How to Stop Being a Victim?
Do you know how to stop being a victim? This lack of knowledge keeps many people trapped in the cycle of going from one abusive relationship to another. “Stop being a victim! Stop being a victim!” I have heard those words countless times over the twenty-six years of life with
Do You Know How to Heal through Acceptance?
Do you know how to heal through acceptance? We each have areas we don’t want to accept in our lives. Yet, often, acceptance is the quickest path to healing. No one in their right mind would choose the life of a victim. This reality is why Natalie from Robin’s Gift ran from everything she
Nine Steps to Follow If You’re Being Abused.
Nine steps to follow if you’re being abused. Finding one’s way out of abuse is no easy task. Since it is a path I have trod, I wish to share some steps I’ve learned to assist you on your journey. Step 1: Saying Goodbye to Denial The first step in
Are You Too Old to Learn? How to Fearlessly Trust.
Are you too old to learn? How to fearlessly trust that you are never too old to learn or to seek help. Aldous from The Hidden Diamond and Harold from Robin’s Gift believed their advanced age set them in their ways, making them incapable of change. Could they turn around
How to Spot 22 Ways That Rob Your Joy.
Learn how to spot 22 ways that rob your joy. They commonly hide within many of us. Nonetheless, we often have no clue they are there stealing precious aspects from our lives. Comparison is a thief to joy. God made you a precious diamond, no more nor less valuable than
How to Stop Accepting Lies. Claim Your Beautiful Value.
How to stop accepting lies and claim your beautiful value. Many are unaware they have fabricated their lives around a jumbled mess of lies. They have existed under a frozen tundra of deceit for so long that it has become their reality. Allow that season of existence to melt away,
Is Solitude Good for You? Discover its Valuable Gift.
Is solitude good for you? Discover its valuable gift. The wounded soul often seeks out safety within the sheltering confinements of solitude. Even so, healing cannot occur in isolation. So, how could seclusion be of any benefit? One of the dangers of having been abused is it provides the groundwork
Did You Know that Value Exists in All Painful Pasts?
Did you know that value exists in all painful pasts, no matter how horrible those prior years may have been? So often, we would much rather forget the pain of those moments and what occurred that caused such suffering. Yet attempting to do so is a fruitless endeavor. For the
How to Be Set Free?
Do you want to discover how to be set free? If anger and resentment are holding you captive, I encourage you to read on. Nothing can set a person free quite like forgiveness does. Too often, someone professes, “I will never forgive you!” They spit out that statement with venom
Be Fearless and Let Your Beautiful Self Shine.
Be fearless and let your beautiful self shine. Yet, how can you do this when events that are too traumatic to face riddle your past? Furthermore, how do you escape such a tainted reality? Consequently, your only desire is to run from them, pretend they never happened, and start life
Are You Being Misguided by Lies with Important Decisions?
Are you being misguided by lies with important decisions? Many of these lies come in the form of clichés. My mother was the queen of clichés. She spoke with an abundance of those far-to-often repeated phrases as if they embodied jewels of insight. Continuously hearing those supposed “words of wisdom”
Why Forgive Even the Most Unforgivable.
Why forgive even the most unforgivable? I understand that for many of us, it can be extremely difficult. Even so, forgiveness holds a pivotal element to healing. My posts over the past ten weeks have covered a sensitive topic. Within those entries, I shared intimate details from forty-six years of
Suicide, It’s a Devastating Effect of Abuse—How to Get Help
Suicide, it’s a devastating effect of abuse—how to get help. We just completed the nine-week series on abuse. I pray you found value in the information provided. In addition, I feel the need to flow this topic with one more related post. As I stated in https://crystalmmhuntley.com/2024/02/do-you-know-the-six-important-steps-to-escape-abuse/, the devastation of
Announcing the Launch of My Latest Best Seller, Robin’s Gift
Announcing the launch of my latest best-seller, Robin’s Gift. It is easy to join our launch team. Be a part of the exclusive few to receive the benefits given only to members. It’s almost time to launch my book, ROBIN’S GIFT, and I’d love for you to join my book
Do You Know the Six Important Steps to Escape Abuse?
Do you know the six important steps to escape abuse? Discovering how to find your way out is the focus of this post. It concludes a nine-week series focusing on seven abuse types. I wrote this series to create a permanent resource for anyone in need. I focused only on
Domestic Violence – Can You See the Signs?
Domestic violence — can you see the signs? Domestic violence can take the form of any abuse previously defined within this series. And still, more types of abuse exist, which I have not included. Here are links to each abuse addressed over this nine-week series. Physical Abuse –https://crystalmmhuntley.com/2024/01/physical-abuse-can-you-see-the-signs/. Sexual Abuse
Legal Abuse – Can You See the Signs?
Legal abuse – can you see the signs? As I stated in week one of this series, https://crystalmmhuntley.com/2024/01/Seven-abuse-forms-can-you-see-the-signs/, I do not claim to be a qualified expert. I write from the knowledge I gleaned from my own experiences. To do so, I must reopen and delve into memories I’d much
Religious Abuse – Can You See the Signs?
Religious abuse — can you see the Signs? Religious abuse, also called religious trauma, is another lesser-known form of abuse. Regardless, it remains far more prevalent than people realize. Someone is afflicted by this form of abuse when religious experience threatens them or causes harm. Such harm can compromise a
Financial Abuse—Can You See the Signs?
Financial abuse—Can you see the signs? Unfortunately, many do not, yet this type of abuse occurs in up to 98% of abusive relationships. Financial abuse is a critical reason it is so difficult for victims to leave their abuser. Before 2012, I had no idea financial abuse existed. Classes within
Emotional Abuse – Can You See the Signs?
Emotional abuse – Can you see the signs? The post I wrote last week dug deeply into my past https://crystalmmhuntley.com/2024/01/sexual-abuse-can-you-see-the-signs/. As a result, I stated how challenging I found it to write. Additionally, this blog is proving to be just as laborious. A threat presses upon me as I revisit
Sexual Abuse – Can You See the Signs?
Sexual abuse—can you see the signs? I am finding this post exceptionally challenging to write. My first attempt consisted of only gruesome facts while listing evidence and the results of this crime. All of this is available to any of you with online research. So, I decided to change my
Physical Abuse – Can You See the Signs?
Physical abuse — can you see the signs? Abuse can happen to anyone, male or female, adult or child. It crosses all social, economic, and racial boundaries. Abuse shows no limitations. Statistics reveal that one in four women, one in nine men, and one in seven children fall victim to
Seven Abuse Forms – Can You See the Signs?
Seven Abuse Forms – can you see the signs? Today’s blog introduces a nine-week series. In each following week, I will cover a specific form of abuse. Recently, I received a request to write a post on financial abuse. Another reader asked that I post concrete steps about how to
How to Better Balance Your Life.
Do you know how to balance your life better? I’ve often felt that navigating life is like walking a tightrope as thin as dental floss. This visual concept budded as a child, as my dogmatic father imposed upon me a god to be feared. Father made the line between good
What Gift Would You Bring to the Manger?
What gift would you bring to the manger? If you were present on that holy night, have you considered what you would offer your newborn Savior? The time to present gifts to our Lord has not passed. Indeed, we have this sacred opportunity every Christmas and every day. Overcoming Depression
How to Be More Joyous This Christmas.
Discover how to be more joyous this Christmas. This season of celebration is not a joyous one for everyone. It is common for abuse survivors to deal with depression this time of year. As families gather and hopes of love and peace ring through the air, unhealed wounds and loneliness
Back to the Basics
Back to the basics—do you need its value? In today’s non-stop world, life can easily overwhelm us. As a mother of adult children, I’ve noticed that their lives consist of innumerable pressures—far more than when I had raised them, pulling them in every direction. The trend continues producing more time-pressing
How to Make Each Moment Valuable
In today’s blog, I will reveal how to make each moment valuable. Indeed there is value in every situation. It doesn’t matter if it is commonplace, dynamic, or even tragic. The value exists, nonetheless. All you need to do is open your eyes and see it. Every situation provides a
Choose the Best Perspective that Serves Your Heart.
Choose the best perspective that serves your heart. How do we do this? Are you one who walks through their day counting blessings no matter what the current situation offers? Or maybe you are so lost in tribulations that all you can find are reasons for despair. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving
Do You Know How to See Hidden Truths?
Do you know how to see hidden truths within ourselves and others? For one reason or another, we have moments where we place masks on to hide our true selves. But, why do we conceal who we honestly are? Meeting new people presents classic moments to participate in this practice.
How to Find Peace in a Troubled World
How to find peace in a troubled world—this achievement may seem impossible because, throughout history, our world has never seen a time of absolute harmony. We exist today under unprecedented circumstances filled with war, pestilence, and climate unstableness. So, how do we escape such constant turmoil? Even those spared the
Christmas Giveaway for a Limited Time – Don’t Miss Out!
Exclusive, Christmas Giveaway – Available for a Limited Time! Note To My Readers May all who indulge in my written creations find entertainment, enjoyment, and education. I also hope to inspire you to move forth in your healing journey. Hopefully, you have gained value from this blog post. If you
Can You See Yourself in this Description?
Can you see yourself in this description? You know the type—those who are afraid of life. These people project who they are through their body stance. They quietly stand with rounded shoulders, arms tightly wrapped in front of them as if protecting their inner core. I know this way of
Speak Your Truth (part 3) – How to Claim Your Value.
Speak your truth (part 3) – how to claim your value. Make your voice heard and, like a phoenix, rise above the ashes. Two weeks ago, we covered stages one and two of healing https://crystalmmhuntley.com/2023/10/speak-your-truth-part-1-how-to-claim-your-value/. Last week’s post, was about stages three and four.https://crystalmmhuntley.com/2023/10/speak-your-truth-part-2-how-to-claim-your-value/. In conclusion of this three-part series,
Speak Your Truth (part 2) – How to Claim Your Value.
Speak your truth (part 2) – how to claim your value. Make your voice heard and, like a phoenix, rise above the ashes. Last week’s post covered healing stages one and two https://crystalmmhuntley.com/2023/10/speak-your-truth-part-1-how-to-claim-your-value/. This week I will reveal part two of this three-part series as we cover stages three and
Speak Your Truth (part 1) – How to Claim Your Value.
Speak your truth (part 1) – how to claim your value. Make your voice heard and, like a phoenix, rise above the ashes. This week, we will cover stages one and two in this three-part series. Why do I continue to write on such a controversial topic as abuse, especially
Know Your Unique Value.
Do you feel you are enough? Know your unique value. Don’t let anyone steal it away. An abuser robs their victims of self-worth. The effects of abuse are life-changing. If such wounds are not faced, they become life-lasting. Abusive wounds are never superficial. The surface view displays only the tip
Avoid this Myth & Stop Being a Victim.
Avoid this myth and stop Being a Victim. Have you fallen into the trap of the common lie that you must forgive and forget? Sad to say, many have. Heal Your Soul Layer by Layer “As you know, most of my writing centers on healing—especially from the effects of abuse—and
Finding Peace Amidst Despair.
Finding peace amidst despair. Is this possible? When lost in a tornado of negative emotions, we can easily forget what joy feels like. But take heart. Active healing provides the tools necessary to avoid such a trap. Broken Dreams My daughter couldn’t visit me due to her unexpected hospitalization emergency.
How to Stand Strong in Faith When Disaster Strikes
Do you know how to stand strong in faith when disaster strikes? Many of us don’t. It’s not an effortless skill to learn, yet I have had too many opportunities to practice it. As I am writing this, I am in the midst of facing yet another disaster, this time
Find Freedom Through Forgiveness.
Be fearless! Find freedom through forgiveness. Indeed, Learning genuine forgiveness may be the most arduous and essential skill anyone could master. To step into that challenge, one must initially survive what many would call an unforgivable atrocity. Invite I have an announcement I am honored to share with you. On
How Important is Your Need to be Heard and Seen?
How important is your need to be heard and seen? Every person contains, since birth, the woven threads of this innate need. It embodies an unshakable desire which has sparked countless campaigns over the years. To be seen and heard is crucial to a human being’s value. Whenever abuse steps
How to Cleanse Your First Perception of God.
How does someone cleanse their first perception of God? I had heard that our first perception of God comes from our childhood relationship patterned by our father. Those raised by a kind, loving father are blessed to have that essential tool in forming a close connection with their God from
Are You Trusting in Hope for a Better Life?
Are You Trusting in Hope for a Better Life? Hardships press upon everyone, even the strongest among us. To remain solid against torrential storms, we must exercise hope as a daily charge. Remember, we are never alone. As long as the Son rises in the East, there is hope. The
Have Lies Kept Your Heart from Being Whole?
Have lies kept your heart from being whole? None of us are complete, no matter who resides within our lives. A natural urge to fill empty caverns within our hearts drives us to satisfy demands. With this in mind, head forth with caution. Remember, when pride effortlessly leads us astray,
Love Yourself with Truth.
Love yourself with truth and plant your roots in fertile ground. Often, this is not an easy thing to do. We all tend to close our eyes when reality becomes too difficult to bear. This vital survival tactic is sometimes chosen, and sometimes it results from automatic blindness. Yet often,
How to Beat Defeatism.
How do we beat defeatism? It plagues all of us. However, one sure way out of its trap is by assuming your mission in life. Do you accept yours? One of the reasons why I write is to embrace this charge. Writing is a skill that God placed in me.
Are You Revealing Private Thoughts?
Are you revealing private thoughts through this universal behavior? Do you fall within the ranks of this common trend? I know I do. I have noticed that people will speak out on subjects they need to learn the most. Whether they do so through writing, preaching, or some other method,
Why Make the Unpopular Choice to Forgive?
I wanted my book, The Hidden Diamond, to appeal to both victims and perpetrators. Through the beauty of fiction, I changed the end of Aldous’s story from something tragic to a reason to rejoice. By doing this, hopefully, those who read it, whether victim or perpetrator, will tend to that spark of truth within them, and change the ending of their story before it’s too late.
Are You Seeking a Lifeline?
Are you seeking a lifeline? If so, an overinflated pride can get in the way, making necessary lifelines hard to spot. We all have our ego side. You know, the part of you that shouts in phrases like, “I can handle it.” I have it all under control.” “I don’t
Seeking a Better Way to Hold onto Hope?
Are You Seeking a Better Way to Hold onto Hope? Rest assured, blessings always persist, even amongst the most horrid. Lately, this has been a daunting truth for me to grasp. Innumerous changes have recently occurred in my life, making things overwhelming, to say the least. I’ve had to remind
Even a Jumbled Mess Can Be Beautiful
To see more Crystalisms, go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/1360983917796761. I looked at the overgrowth of weeds before me. Is it too late to tame this Jumbled mess? An inner whisper reminded me that even a jumbled mess can be beautiful. Growing Season I absolutely love working in the garden. Where we live,
Have You Ever Wondered How to Find a Better Angle?
Have you ever wondered how to find a better angle? Anything in life can be viewed from an angle that brings us positivity. We all learned in grade school how Earth’s gravity pulls everything toward its surface. In much the same way, human beings tend to get pulled downward into
How to Love a Difficult Person
Have you ever wondered how to love a difficult person? Aldous, our main character in The Hidden Diamond, exemplifies a difficult person to love. As this story evolves, you will discover why. How can we love someone who has caused great pain? How do you remain safe around a person
How to Rebuild Your Foundation and Remain Rooted.
How do you rebuild your foundation and remain rooted? Undoubtedly, the answer to this question baffles many of us. Why do some of us possess the blessing of being born into a family that fosters a firmly rooted foundation, like my character Dakota in The Hidden Diamond? While, at the same
How to Let the Soft Whisper Guide Your Way?
How to let the Soft Whisper guide your way. Mastering this valuable skill of how to let the Small Voice guide your way can lead you to greater success in your life. But first, you must listen to the Still Small Voice over the loud and the demanding. Toning out
Is It Taboo or Boundaries?
Is it taboo or boundaries? Make your choice. Today’s society is becoming increasingly aware of the numerous taboo topics that have infiltrated people since the fall of humankind. We can all be grateful that far fewer forbidden issues now exist than had in past generations. Taboo topics repress and isolate
Revealing My Healing – Discover the Miraculous Truth!
Revealing my healing – discover the miraculous truth. Many have asked how I got out of the wheelchair after over a decade of being bound to its confinements. In all honesty, I would not be who I am today without the miracles and blessings of my Lord and Savior, Jesus
Thank You! You made Daffodil Dayz a Big Success!
Thank you! You made Daffodil Dayz and my book signing event a big success! I could not have done this without the support of all of you who put on this fantastic event and all who attended. To see more information on my writing join us on my Facebook group
Don’t Stop! We All Need to Be Encouraged.
Don’t stop! We all need to be encouraged. We all have those moments when we need encouragement to remain optimistic about our goals. To see more Crystalisms, go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/1360983917796761. Writing has always come easily to me, but taking the necessary steps that followed the publishing of my first manuscript
Welcome. Discover a Powerful World of Healing and Forgiveness.
Writing Is My Passion I am so happy to have you visit my blog. The written word bubbles out of me with zest. As far back as I can remember, I have dreamed of being a published author. And now, with that dream a reality, I am ecstatic to share
Hello world!
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!