Robin's Gift
Natalie grew up in a troubled home. Trying to escape the horrors of her past, she fled from all she knew and attempted to start a new life. Shrouded in anonymity, she believed she had escaped her demons. Years later, Natalie embarks on a path that will challenge her deeply. With the courage to face her past, she discovers the hope of a new beginning. This modern twist on the Biblical story of the Prodigal Son invites readers to follow Natalie on a divine journey of self-discovery as she learns that, though her past may be filled with regret, God’s grace can always bring healing and peace.

A Powerful Story of Forgiveness.
As a survivor of many forms of abuse, including molestation, I have made it a lifetime mission to break those chains of abuse so that I would not pass that curse onto my children. The Hidden Diamond developed out of my struggle to heal and find peace. I steadfastly believe God loves us all. God never gives up on anyone, even those whose sins have brought far more harm than good into this world. I formatted Aldous’s character from my effort to forgive and understand what demons had tormented those who had violated my childhood. Writing has become one of my most important healing tools. In my journey toward wholeness, I have learned that forgiveness is a crucial ingredient. We each have wounds that beg to be mended. Only God’s love provides us the strength so that we may forgive and fully heal.
❝ I read Robin’s gift from cover to cover and savored the author’s poetic words. Despite the abuse, trauma, and grief within the three friends’ stories, it was a beautiful read filled with hope, love, and second chances. I fell in love with the novel’s characters as they evolved and as the author highlighted their humanness. Other elements that made this book a special read are the roots of small town living, spiritual blessings, and how the true bond of loyal friendship heals pain. ❞
– Karen