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Revealing the Best Way to Gain Strength from Wounds

Our topic today is revealing the best way to gain strength from wounds. Last week, in↗, I posted the well-known phrase “Hurt people hurt people” and explained how I see the meaning behind it.

Too often, wounds someone receives due to another’s actions will impede a victim’s emotional growth.  As the victim develops, a part of their emotional maturity remains frozen at the age the infliction transpired.

What I just described is a common occurrence. So, how does the victim unfreeze their emotional self and allow a healthy development to happen? The answer to that question may be simple, but achieving that answer is anything but. Simply put, turn your wounds into strengths. Committing to this goal as a lifetime mission is the only way to achieve this monumental accomplishment.

How I Found My Mission

I understand how abuse freezes emotional growth. Regardless of my developmental years and adult responsibilities, for much of my life, I felt like a child trapped within an adult body. No matter how much healing growth I achieved or how much therapy I attended, my little-girl emotional state continued to arise. Nothing seemed to help that little girl inside of me mature. That is until I found a mission that utilized my wounds for a valuable purpose.

My mission became advocating against abuse by writing and publishing my books and blog. As a result, with all this, people began asking me to speak in podcasts and seminars. As I committed time and effort to this calling, that emotionally frozen childlike self thawed out and grew into adulthood. Soon, my wounds had become my strengths. With those strengths, I gained tools to reach out into this troubled world and am making a difference.

I can’t think of a better way to defeat the enemies, my abusers, than to take what they had meant for evil, turn it around, and use it for good. That, my friends, is a triumph!

Turn Your Wounds into Strengths

Any wound can become a strength. It doesn’t matter if abuse had inflicted that wound upon you or if unfortunate life circumstances had caused your life-changing devastation. Undoubtedly, the best way to fully heal from and conquer any wound is to turn it into a strength. Multiple stories of people doing just that run through society.

You probably have heard of MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Drivers) This nationwide organization developed out of one mother who used the intense emotion trapped within her grief and channeled it into a mission. In 1980, a drunk driver plowed into the founder of MADD’s daughter as she walked home on a quiet country road, ending this young 13-year-old’s life. As a result of this tragic accident, the loss of that child’s precious life gave birth to this life-giving, empowering foundation.

Candy Lightner’s story is no isolated occurrence. If you scour through history, you will find countless more examples of people who changed their plights into triumphs. You, too, can do the same. To succeed requires strength, determination, and endurance to run this marathon, but anyone who puts their mind to it can turn any tragedy into a victory.

Win Your Gold!

As a united population, our world enjoyed the 2024 Summer Olympics, yet I am suggesting an Olympic event of a different sort. As you cross the finish line at the end of the race, everyone’s gold medal will look different than another’s. One person’s medallion may be as large as a nationwide organization. Someone else’s achievement may come from writing books and blogs to advocate against abuse. Your reward might be something much smaller, but all golds are valuable. Whatever your gold may be, find that goal, stay focused, and run the race.

Only by doing so will you find purpose in your calamity. This race is the pathway to make something good out of something tragic, so strap on your running shoes, get into position, get ready, set, and go!

God Is the Master of Making Good out of Bad.

God is the Master at turning something horrible into something good. Your Savior loves you more than you can imagine and wants you to find peace and healing. Follow The All-Knowing’s lead. Let your Maker direct you into that space of healing, that space where tragedy becomes triumph.

Revealing the Best Way to Gain Strength from Wounds

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No matter how long and hard you work, you will never overcome the wounds abuse has inflicted upon you. Those scars will forever remain with you for the rest of your life. They will become a part of your very DNA. However, this forecast is not all filled with despair. Good news rests within it. If you allow it, those same scars that once broke you can become your strength, but you must run the race.

Here, I present you with a challenge to join the ranks of those who ran the race and have gained their medal of achievement. I encourage you to add your story of triumph to theirs. This can only be accomplished by transforming your wounds into strengths and handing your broken heart to the Lord. Hence, allow your Savior to move you into a cause that will shine with God’s glory.

Note To My Readers

Hopefully, you have gained value from this blog post. If you have, I would like to offer you the opportunity to purchase my books. You can buy The Hidden Diamond and Robin’s Gift at BUY-the-BOOK Two additional sites where you can find my books are and

Each purchase of my books supports my mission to help those trapped in abuse break those chains and find their way to freedom while drawing closer to their Maker. Once you have read either of my books, feel free to leave a review on the site you purchased from. Your review will encourage others also to seek out the path of healing.

The Hidden Diamond – Immerse yourself in a journey that uncovers the worth of a wounded soul amongst a lifetime of sin.
Robin’s Gift – Lost and alone, Natalie’s biggest dream is a desire to be loved. A tragic accident calls her home. Can she return and face her greatest fear?

Abuse Through Image A Reinterpretation Back to My Story Boundaries Breaking Out Direct Forms of Religious Abuse Domestic Abuse Defined Excerpt from The Hidden Diamond Faith Shattered From Robin’s Gift Happenings or Interpretations? Hope Indirect Forms of Religious Abuse Invite Long-term Effects My Fight for You Note To My Readers Perfection’s Curse Religious Abuse vs. Spiritual Abuse Resources Robin’s Gift Robin’s Gift – A Sneak Peak Seeking Help Seek Understanding Shame Has No Place Step Five Step Four Step One Step Six Step Three Step Two Summer’s Story Take a Step Back. Take the Challenge The Commitment to Braking Chains of Abuse The Hidden Diamond The Scars of Abuse Two Other Forms of Legal Abuse Unhealed Wounds Unwittingly Harm Others. Unveiling the Hidden Crime Upcoming Posts We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know. What Is Legal Abuse? Why I Write You Are Worthy!