In today’s blog, I will reveal how to make each moment valuable. Indeed there is value in every situation. It doesn’t matter if it is commonplace, dynamic, or even tragic. The value exists, nonetheless. All you need to do is open your eyes and see it. Every situation provides a unique opportunity, tailored by God, for growth.
A fascinating thing—if a person remains blind to the opportunity placed before them, our Savior will, in time, provide another. Our Loving Heavenly Parent never wains in patience and will create as many opportunities for growth as needed. That is pure love. No Earthly human can love in such an abundant manner, because God did not forge us with that capability. By allowing yourself to be fully in the moment, you will better reap the benefits your Lord is offering. Open your eyes to the lessons before you in this present moment. They will lead you down paths toward growth and healing.
What Is Your Lesson?
Being in the moment is difficult for me. For quite some time now, health issues have taken over my life. I struggle to be at peace with this. And I fight daily to run with the strength and energy of those with well-abled bodies. Through my disability, God is providing me the opportunity to learn to be comfortable in the sanctity of the moment. Learning to be present is one of my lessons. What are yours?
We all have our challenges. Some people’s hardships may seem more intense than others. Regardless of the magnitude, every quandary causes a disruptive flow of life. When you approach one of these crossroads, you have a choice. Will you lay down roots in this unsettling moment? Or will you take a stance, roll up your sleeves, delve into the uncomfortable, and grow?
The Hidden Diamond
Growth comes from moving into the uncomfortable, a common theme in all my books. In The Hidden Diamond, Aldous chooses to remain many decades beyond childhood within his troublesome situation. In so doing, he honed abusive traits and then dished them out to his loved ones.
When he was a child, retaining a level of blindness toward the horrors he had suffered became a survival tool. When anyone maintains any behavior long enough, good or bad, it becomes comfortable. Aldous kept his blinders on even after he left his home of origin. Those blinders had become his comfort zone. But everything comes at a price. In Aldous’s case, that price cost him his family. For he clung to the familiar and consequently passed that abuse onto those he loved the most.
Alexandra could have retreated behind tempting blinders created by a hole in her heart from childhood. But instead, she heeded the direction of gratitude for what she had gained over what she had lost. Alexandra’s chosen option fueled her ability to protect Dakota, allowing her and Randy to see the danger before them.
They did not shrink back to the ease and comfort of the familiar. Instead, they quickly moved forward with courage into the uncomfortable. Their bold act triumphantly allowed them to handle the delicate situation before them. They successfully did so in a way that protected their child and provided a growth catalyst for all parties. See the full story within my book The Hidden Diamond.
Blessings Surround Us
God surrounds you with blessings. They exist for everyone, every day, even amid your darkest moments. God also gave you, through the gift of free agency, the right to choose if you will recognize these blessings. Next, it is your decision if you will use them to set yourself in a space of thanksgiving. These blessings are your safeholds, there for you to grasp onto. God surrounded you with such blessings for a reason. No matter what abyss you may fall into, you have what is needed to pull yourself out.

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Rock Climbing
Have you ever gone rock climbing or scaled a rock-climbing wall? Without guidance or understanding of the sought-after goal, one could not reach the top. The strategically placed stones on a rock-climbing wall simulate groves chiseled by nature onto a sleek mountainside. Placing your hands and feet onto these grooves with each step will lift you up to a higher level. God will always show you the way to higher ground, one step at a time. But you first must open your eyes and follow your Savior’s guidance.
When trapped in a deep chasm, such as abuse, it is easy to see only the negative. The more you focus on the downside, the further you will sink into a never-ending downward spiral. So, how do you pull yourself out? Remember, you never do it alone. God is with you with an outreached hand, waiting for you to grasp it. Continue to work at focusing on the good. Placing your eyes on the surrounding blessings will provide the key to pulling yourself out. The freedom you will gain is always a reason to be thankful.
Note To My Readers
Join me next week as I share the importance of getting back to the basics. I welcome questions and comments on any of my blogs. May all who indulge in my written creations find entertainment, enjoyment, and education. I also hope to inspire you to move forth in your healing journey.
Hopefully, you have gained value from this blog post. If you have, I would like to offer you the opportunity to purchase my books. You can buy The Hidden Diamond and Robin’s Gift at BUY-the-BOOK Two additional sites where you can find my books are and
Each purchase of my books supports my mission to help those trapped in abuse break those chains and find their way to freedom while drawing closer to their Maker. Once you have read either of my books, feel free to leave a review on the site you purchased from. Your review will encourage others also to seek out the path of healing. We all know someone who needs a gentle push to approach this sensitive topic. Maybe that someone is you. The Hidden Diamond and Robin’s Gift provide a perfect, safe avenue. I invite you to join the multitudes who have discovered the value within the covers of my books.

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