Do you know how to see hidden truths within ourselves and others? For one reason or another, we have moments where we place masks on to hide our true selves. But, why do we conceal who we honestly are? Meeting new people presents classic moments to participate in this practice. Many lurk behind their forged disguise, allowing only their best self to shine through it while concealing their imperfections. Still, why do we do this? One reason is our need not to be rejected. This false front can make the present moment more successful when we leave our more “colorful” side behind.
Use Caution
Without using caution and awareness of these masks, we can slip into dangerous territory. In fact, I have noticed that it can take up to three years on average for a person’s true character to emerge. My younger, more wounded self, who sought acceptance, frequently fell into the trap of closing my eyes to warning signs. As a result, this reckless trait left me vulnerable to becoming prey to the deceitful actions of dangerous people.
I am grateful to say that I have grown beyond such innocence. To this day, I continue learning how to exercise reasonable caution. Sadly, many never advance in their healing, which is why I am writing this post. Instead of growth, they remain stuck in the same pattern, bouncing from one toxic relationship to another. The only way to move past such a damaging pattern is by seeking hidden truth through open eyes. But first, one must stop relying on fantasy to guide one’s decisions. Reality can often be painful to face. And yet, as John 8:32 says, the truth shall set you free.
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Hiding From Ourselves
Furthermore, we, as human beings, are notorious for hiding from ourselves. We tightly grip onto those carefully fitted masks to keep from seeing our true selves.
On the back cover of my book, The Hidden Diamond, I have disclosed that I came from an abusive family. My mother is one of those people who cling tight to this type of disguise. She conceals her true self from others in a feeble attempt to preserve her reputation. Yet, sadly, she holds up this smokescreen not only for others but also for herself. This act, which she has become an expert at, rules her existence and damages relationships. She sacrificed her life to protect herself from the pain of reality that she remains unable to bear.
When someone blatantly hides from themselves, it is tempting to rip off their mask and confront them with the truth. Yet, their covering provides a layer of protection. Only that person knows when they are strong enough to release their veil. If we try to rip it off before they are ready, we could cause them even more damage. And this is where we need to surrender to God. Only our Heavenly Parent knows the proper, gentle method and timing to peel off someone’s mask.
The Hidden Diamond
Time is crucial in discovering the truth of who a person is. This truth cannot be found when hidden under a stack of masks. In The Hidden Diamond, Dakota was the catalyst to provide Aldous with what he needed to strip off his disguise. This wounded soul found God’s grace. With strength from his Savior, Aldous freed himself from those heavily weighted masks he bore for most of his life.
I say “freed himself” instead of God freed him because God gave each of us free agency. This gift of love allows us the choice to step forward and take hold of God’s hand. As our Savior shines a light on the path toward freedom, we again must choose. We choose with each step taken if we will walk with our Lord.
To My Readers
Join me next week for a special Thanksgiving post about choosing the best perspective that serves your heart. I welcome questions and comments on any of my blogs. To do so, go to CONTACT THE AUTHOR – Crystal MM Huntley. I pray that all who indulge in my written creations find entertainment, enjoyment, and education. I also hope to inspire you to move forth in your healing journey.
Hopefully, you have gained value from this blog post. If you have, I would like to offer you the opportunity to purchase my book, The Hidden Diamond, BUY THE BOOK – Crystal MM Huntley, and support my mission to break the chains of abuse. We all know someone who needs a gentle push to approach this sensitive topic. Maybe that someone is you. The Hidden Diamond provides a perfect, safe avenue. I invite you to join the multitudes who have discovered the value within the covers of The Hidden Diamond. With Christmas just around the corner, consider purchasing a copy for yourself and a second as a gift for another.
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Abuse Through Image A Reinterpretation Back to My Story Boundaries Breaking Out Direct Forms of Religious Abuse Domestic Abuse Defined Excerpt from The Hidden Diamond Faith Shattered From Robin’s Gift Happenings or Interpretations? Hope Indirect Forms of Religious Abuse Invite Long-term Effects My Fight for You Note To My Readers Perfection’s Curse Religious Abuse vs. Spiritual Abuse Resources Robin’s Gift Robin’s Gift – A Sneak Peak Seeking Help Seek Understanding Shame Has No Place Step Five Step Four Step One Step Six Step Three Step Two Summer’s Story Take a Step Back. Take the Challenge The Commitment to Braking Chains of Abuse The Hidden Diamond The Scars of Abuse Two Other Forms of Legal Abuse Unhealed Wounds Unwittingly Harm Others. Unveiling the Hidden Crime Upcoming Posts We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know. What Is Legal Abuse? Why I Write You Are Worthy!