How to Let the Soft Whisper Guide Your Way?  

Will you let the Small Voice guide your way? Listen to the Still Small Voice over the loud and the demanding.

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Listen to the Soft Whisper

It took me years to learn to hear God’s soft whisper—a drastic contrast to how my parents raised me. While very young, I learned to tune my ear into the slightest hint of hysteria and then reacted accordingly. Our Fight-or-Flight methodology that our Good Lord installed in us was placed there for our physical survival. Due to that fact, great necessity resided in that deeply woven genetic trait. Yet, this instinctive attribute competes with our ability to hear that Small Voice our Savior speaks with.

Complex CPTSD

My past included a railway of incidents that led to the formation of Complex CPTSD. It took decades of healing. I had to develop trust before I could disregard that voice of panic. Then I could train my ear to hear that faint whisper within that ultimately leads me to freedom and peace.

Breathe into the Space of Peace.

My oldest son, Josh, who teaches New Beginnings Tia Chi and other forms of Martial Arts frequently works with me. I believe God gifting my child with this talent is one way He has chosen to heal my wounded soul. I practice settling my thoughts and breathing into the space of peace. Only by mastering this skill, even amid the fiercest storm, can I detect God’s faintest whisper. Yet, my instincts tug at my every cell, imploring me to react to that loud, overbearing panic. Consequently, I take the giant leap to ignore their pleas and instead do what this whisper tells me to do.

When I first started my blog site, I fought through this cycle of events almost daily. New to the world of blogging, and although I love to write, I find it quite baffling to place my words into a blog format. Multiple times I have made feeble attempts to take this leap only to drift away from that disciplined activity. But this infrequent drive became a necessity now that my first book, The Hidden Diamond, is in print. Being an official, published author forces me to venture out of my comfort zone.

Master New Skills

Now I am exploring a foreign land that requires me to master new skills, which can be an overwhelming quest. This morning I rose early, as typical, knowing I needed to plow into this still new, cumbersome adventure. As I pondered how to begin, doubt seeped in, and the panic volume dialed up. But rewards come with years of fostering healthier methodologies of existence. Especially during these past few years, I have learned how to detect God’s soothing voice, silent as an opening bud. When I hear GOD’s whisper, I set the arduous internal rhetoric, like an impatient, demanding child, gently aside and obey. So here it is, written within the words of this blog.

Hopefully, you have gained value from this blog post. If you have, I would like to offer you the opportunity to purchase my book, The Hidden Diamond, BUY THE BOOK – Crystal MM Huntley, and support my mission to break the chains of abuse.

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