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Domestic Violence – Revealing the Signs. Can You See Them?

Domestic Violence – Can You See the Signs?

Domestic violence — can you see the signs? Domestic violence can take the form of any abuse previously defined within this series. And still, more types of abuse exist, which I have not included. Here are links to each abuse addressed over this nine-week series.

Physical Abuse –↗.

Sexual Abuse – Abuse – Can You See the Signs? /↗.

Emotional Abuse – Abuse – Can You See the Signs?/↗.

Financial Abuse – Abuse—Can You See the Signs?/↗.

Religious Abuse – Abuse – Can You See the Signs?/↗.

Legal Abuse –↗.

Domestic Abuse Defined

Abuse can happen at any time and any place. On the other hand, domestic violence is defined by where it takes place. Abuse is labeled as domestic when found within a household. Like other abuses, it occurs when one intimate partner maintains power and control over another.

Sad to say, such abuse is prevalent. In fact, it affects twenty people every minute. One in three women and one in ten men fall victim to this atrocious crime. Transgender people are more at risk of being victimized than the cisgender population.

The Scars of Abuse

The unseen scars of abuse leave the most damaging effects on its victims. These lasting scars all too often strip away a human’s sense of self-worth. Without belief in their value, a person loses their fighting drive. This loss of drive allows an abuser to hold power over their victim.

People frequently view scars as ugly blemishes. However, they can also be seen as badges, rewards given to a person for what they have overcome.

Domestic Violence – Revealing the Signs. Can You See Them?
Domestic Violence – Revealing the Signs. Can You See Them?

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Unveiling the Hidden Crime

Abuse is a crime often hidden behind closed doors. We must fling those doors wide open. Then, we need to shine a light on this devastating transgression. Only by doing this will we remove this stigma from our society. To fight against this crime, I opened myself up to you, my readers. In doing so, I disclosed intimate details of my story within this series. I pray my willingness to share encourages others to do likewise. Knowing that someone is there to support you is essential. It can provide the courage needed to stand firm and break those chains of abuse.

My Fight for You

I began writing as a tool to heal from abuse. God’s loving hands pulled me through those dark moments. God added the blessing of His grace to set me on a path of healing. The more I healed, the more a sense of urgency grew within me. I felt called to help free others who are also trapped in abuse.

Answering the Call

That burning passion soon directed me to write books. Along with that, I heard the charge to start this blog. Now that I am solid in my writing, I have no desire to stop. Countless souls exist who need help. You may be one of them. I dedicate myself to answering that call. I do so by providing you with assistance to help set you free. 

So far, I have written two books, The Hidden Diamond and Robin’s Gift. Both are fictional versions of my personal experiences. I have already begun working on my next manuscript. Even though many truths exist between the lines of all my books. I love the freedom fiction provides. This is why I chose it. For, it allows me to spin joy, humor, and entertainment into something horrible.

However, I felt the need to connect more intimately. I wanted to do more to reach those who suffer from abuse. That is why I shared specific details of my experiences within each post of this series. I hope that by opening up others will be encouraged to do the same. In doing so, we band together and can end this virus that sickens our society.

You, my reader, may be an advocate or a victim. If you find yourself trapped in domestic violence, I urge you to seek help. Contact The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) at You are far more valuable than you realize and worthy of being set free.

Upcoming Posts

I hope you join me next week as we conclude this topic. Next week, I will wrap up this series. Within the post, I will list resources and steps to escape an abusive situation.

I pray this series adequately informs all who read it and hunger for such vital help. Also, I pray that what I have provided gives courage to those in need. I welcome questions and comments on any of my blogs. To do so, go to CONTACT THE AUTHOR – Crystal MM Huntley. Furthermore, I pray that all who indulge in my written creations find entertainment, enjoyment, and education. I also hope to inspire you to move forth in your healing journey.

Note To My Readers

Hopefully, you have gained value from this blog post. If you have, I would like to offer you the opportunity to purchase my books. You can buy The Hidden Diamond and Robin’s Gift at BUY-the-BOOK Two additional sites where you can find my books are and

Each purchase of my books supports my mission to help those trapped in abuse break those chains and find their way to freedom while drawing closer to their Maker. Once you have read either of my books, feel free to leave a review on the site you purchased from. Your review will encourage others also to seek out the path of healing.

The Hidden Diamond – Immerse yourself in a journey that uncovers the worth of a wounded soul amongst a lifetime of sin.
Robin’s Gift – Lost and alone, Natalie’s biggest dream is a desire to be loved. A tragic accident calls her home. Can she return and face her greatest fear?

Advancing My Healing Journey A Reinterpretation Back to the Basics Blessings Surround Us Boundaries Breaking Out Breathe into the space of peace. Christmas Complex CPTSD Don’t Get Stuck. Excerpt from The Hidden Diamond Free Giveaway From Robin’s Gift Glorify God Through Your Challenges. Happenings or Interpretations? Hiding From Ourselves Hope Invite Listen to the Soft Whisper. Master New Skills Note To My Readers Resources Robin’s Gift Robin’s Gift – A Sneak Peak Rock Climbing Seek Understanding Shame Has No Place Summer’s Story Surrender Surrendering Take a Step Back. Take the Challenge The Choice Is Yours The Commitment to Braking Chains of Abuse The Gift of New Perspective The Hidden Diamond The Still Small Voice To My Readers Unhealed Wounds Unwittingly Harm Others. Upcoming Posts Use Caution We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know. What Is Your Lesson? Why I Write You Are Worthy!