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Sustainment in Times of Suffering

Sustainment in Times of Suffering

How do we find sustainment in times of suffering? When we feel trapped in the bottom of a gorge of torment, wrapped in its dark, heavy cloak, how do we find the strength to pull ourselves out? The answer to this question begins with the understanding that we are never alone, not even when we cannot see the light through our pain, for “If one part suffers, all parts suffer with it.” From 1 Corinthians 12:27 (LB)

Sustainment in Times of Suffering
Sustainment in Times of Suffering

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As a part of the body of human beings, when one soul suffers, the entire body suffers with it. In these uncertain times, many more souls are suffering like never before. This fact gives even more reason as to why it is crucial to reach out and seek help. And likewise, when we have genuine help to offer, we must give it.

Sustainment in Times of Suffering
Sustainment in Times of Suffering

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Sometime back, someone posted a comment about the above crystalism, stating that she struggles to feel God in her life. She is not alone in this challenge. As we suffer through many aspects of life, it becomes easy to feel abandoned by God.

One tragic aspect of abuse is how it isolates the victim. Perpetrators use this fact for their benefit. For as long as a victim remains isolated, they remain under the abuser’s control. I challenge you to widen your perspective and accept that no one ever, in any situation, needs to agree to the lie that they are helpless and alone. A powerful Helper always remains at your side.

Finding Sustainment Through Resources

I plead with you to reach out for help. An abundance of resources exists. Such resources include dialing 988 to reach suicide and crisis hotlines. Other help resources include the National Domestic Violence Hotline at  (800-799-7233) or text “START” to 88788.

 For sexual abuse, contact the RAINN National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-4673.

If you need domestic shelter, go to and at 1-800-621-HOPE. They will provide shelter, counseling, and legal assistance.

More places that may assist you are, National Network to End Domestic Violence at, and

Hold onto Your Source of Sustainment.

Most people have no challenge feeling God’s presence when immense miraculous events occur, yet those events often happen far and few in between. We need frequent, day-to-day nourishment to sustain us. Feeling God’s ever-abiding presence is a learned skill, similar to learning gratitude. I believe there is no such thing as a coincidence. I also trust that God is intricately involved in every aspect of our lives.

For example, a particular number sequence has frequently come up in my and Rich’s lives since childhood. It continues to emerge at an unusually high percentage even today. Since we have noticed this trend, whenever these numbers appear, we see it as a love note from our Savior, reminding us that He is always with us and nothing is insignificant to our Lord. Actively looking for these love notes keeps us in practice to feel God’s presence. As we exercise feeling God’s presence, we strengthen that muscle, which is crucial to keep us prepared for when extreme tough times occur.

Finding Sustainment in Our Refuge

“God is our refuge and strength. … Therefore, we will not fear, though the earth should change, though the mountains shake.” Psalm 46:1-2 (NRSV)

As I watch daily events unfold in these uncertain times of today’s world, I cling to this scripture and let the comfort of those words seep deep within. I pray this Psalm also sustains you.

If we allow it, God’s grace will always sustain us. It will be a guiding light to lead us through our darkest moments. Whether those moments are suffering from the clutches of abuse, illness, surviving natural disasters, or any other number of reasons, hold tight to the truth that “God is our refuge and our strength.”

Adaptation’s Necessity

To respond in faith in God being our refuge, we sometimes must adapt to the moment’s circumstances and let go of the past. Placing trust in our Lord will get us through any challenge.

I had to trust my Savior before I could adapt to the changes I needed to make when I escaped to a shelter for abused women in 2012. Without trust, fear could easily have broken me.

I escaped to the shelter with my wheelchair, a packed suitcase, and less than a hundred dollars. Many who leave their land of torment do so with even less. My disabilities extent made me unable to make a living. I had to trust that, somehow, God would provide.

While there, I discovered that my need for housing assistance fell between the cracks of what the government offers, leaving me with no foreseeable way of keeping a roof over my head. However, I did not let that discourage me. Knowing I could not turn back, I moved forward, believing my Savior would show me the way. As always, God did not disappoint.

Sustainment Through Faith

I wish to pause here and say that when I first started blogging, I did so with the primary purpose of reaching out to those who needed help to escape the clutches of abuse. Because of my experience where the effects of religious abuse threatened to sever my connection with God, I wanted to keep my references to God to a minimum. Holding to this limitation, I thought, would help those who also have been tainted by religious abuse. I wanted to help them feel comfortable. I hoped these minimal references to God could gently help lead them back to Christ. However, the more I write, the more pressed I feel not to limit the mentions of my Lord.

God, also the Master of turning tragedy into blessings, has woven His presence within the fabric of every event of our existence. Now that I am on the other side, far away from a life as a victim of abuse, I can see with clarity how God was with me every step of the way. I also see a limited picture of the woven fabric of my life and how many of the tragic events I suffered through, God has used to bring about good. To read more about this topic, go to

I invite you to join me next time as I share the effects abuse can have on someone’s physical health.

Note to My Readers

Hopefully, you have gained value from this blog post. If you have, I would like to offer you the opportunity to purchase my books. You can purchase The Hidden Diamond and Robin’s Gift here at BUY THE BOOK – Crystal MM Huntley.

An additional site where you can find my books is However, if you prefer to purchase from Amazon, you will find The Hidden Diamond at and Robin’s Gift at

Each purchase of my books supports my mission to break the chains of abuse. Once you have read either of my books, feel free to leave a review on the site you purchased from. Your review will encourage others also to seek out the path of healing.

The Hidden Diamond – Immerse yourself in a journey that uncovers the worth of a wounded soul amongst a lifetime of sin.
Robin’s Gift – Lost and alone, Natalie’s biggest dream is a desire to be loved. A tragic accident calls her home. Can she return and face her greatest fear?

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