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Your Brokenness Can Make You Stronger.

Your Brokenness Can Make You Stronger.

Your brokenness can make you stronger. Instead of allowing your brokenness to fill you with shame, allow your wounds to become catalysts for growth. Each Broken space provides the perfect opportunity to let the light shine through, making you stronger.

Your Brokenness Can Make You Stronger.
Your Brokenness Can Make You Stronger.

Working with Divinely Blessed Gifts

1976, Crystal MM Huntley age 10.
1976, Crystal MM Huntley age 10.

As a child, I strikingly resembled Laura Ingalls from the long-running TV series Little House on the Prairie. The way my parents had raised me and the tragic events in my childhood crushed my self-esteem at an early age. As a result, I used this physical resemblance to my benefit and took on her persona, even attending school each day with braided hair.

When I discovered I could sing, I did not develop the individual talent the Divine Spirit had placed within me. Instead, I spent hours listening to multiple record albums my parents owned of Julie Andrews to learn her singing methods. In time, I successfully developed the ability to style my vocalizations after her distinctly operatic technique and imitated it with expertise. By emulating Melissa Gilbert’s version of Laura Ingalls and Julie Andrews’ singing style, I showed appreciation for the masterpieces that God created in them. But, at the same time, I dishonored my Lord by neglecting to develop the masterpiece my Savior created in me.

Mending Brokenness

Various aspects of my life’s journey had interfered with my ability to develop into the person God intended me to be until around the age of fifty. Before I could blossom, I first had to filter out all the guck that life had dumped on me, weave my way through an intense journey of facing ugly truths, and heal. That journey I plundered through is not one for the faint of heart. Like the seed that takes root deep in the ground before it bursts through the soil and sprouts growth, we, too, must go through our germination season.

No matter how much work you do to grow beyond your troubled past, you will never fully heal without first forgiving. So often, people resist forgiveness. They feel it lets the perpetrator off the hook for all the appalling offenses they committed. Or maybe they are trapped in the need to get revenge against whoever wronged them. These views of forgiveness are misguided. Each time you bring up a resentful thought toward another, you stir up the pain within you and experience the hurt all over again. It’s like remaining plugged into an electrical outlet and receiving a shock whenever someone turns the switch to the “on” position.

Gaining Strength by Releasing Resentment

Resentment is a stronghold that secures your wounds tight within your cells, never releasing them. As long as you hold on to that resentment, you cannot heal from the events that caused your suffering. Yet there is a sure way to overcome any affliction—it’s called forgiveness. True forgiveness means giving up your right to allow an offender to continue to harm you. It means surrendering your right to hurt.

When you forgive, you are not letting the other person off the hook. On the contrary, you are letting yourself off the hook and setting yourself free. Once freed, the healing process can begin.

For more on forgiveness. go to in a new tab) in a new tab) in a new tab)

The Hidden Diamond

Aldous in The Hidden Diamond remained trapped in the claws of resentment toward people from his past who had harmed him in ways many would label as “unforgivable sins.” He held onto this resentment for multiple generations. By doing so, he destroyed his life and passed the wounds he had received onto his loved ones. Like Isaiah 11:6 says, “The little child shall lead them,” a five-year-old boy from across the street inadvertently guides Aldous to where he falls to his knees seeking forgiveness. This humble act breaks the shackles of abuse that had entrapped him all those years.

Robin’s Gift

As you read my book, Robin’s Gift, you will discover aspects of Natalie’s past that she had to break free from and the challenges she faced to sever the links to her former years. You will witness the many blessings that came out of her growth. Her journey holds many similarities to mine.

Choosing to face your past and heal from it is not an easy course to take, but it is the only path that will lead you to discover your full potential. Remember, you never travel on this journey alone. Your Holy Parent walks with you every step of the way.

For more on this topic, see in a new tab) and in a new tab)

I write these blog posts not only to encourage you to set yourself free from the shackles of abuse regardless of the degree but also to provide you with guided support every step of the way. You are not alone. My seven-week series, beginning with in a new tab), reveals the staggering statistics of abuse.

Embrace more and more each day the beautiful creation God intended you to be. Honor your Savior and honor yourself by releasing your hold of resentment and making the unpopular choice to forgive. That brave act is the first step toward your only path of freedom and true joy.

Note To My Readers

Hopefully, you have gained value from this blog post. If you have, I would like to offer you the opportunity to purchase my books. You can buy The Hidden Diamond and Robin’s Gift at BUY-the-BOOK Two additional sites where you can find my books are and

Each purchase of my books supports my mission to help those trapped in abuse break those chains and find their way to freedom while drawing closer to their Maker. Once you have read either of my books, feel free to leave a review on the site you purchased from. Your review will encourage others also to seek out the path of healing.

The Hidden Diamond – Immerse yourself in a journey that uncovers the worth of a wounded soul amongst a lifetime of sin.
Robin’s Gift – Lost and alone, Natalie’s biggest dream is a desire to be loved. A tragic accident calls her home. Can she return and face her greatest fear?

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