Seeking a Better Way to Hold onto Hope?

Are You Seeking a Better Way to Hold onto Hope? Rest assured, blessings always persist, even amongst the most horrid. Lately, this has been a daunting truth for me to grasp. Innumerous changes have recently occurred in my life, making things overwhelming, to say the least. I’ve had to remind myself continuously of the contents I wrote within my blog posted on 6/14/2023. in a new tab).

Change how you look at something.

When swamped by an overload of uncontrollable circumstances, it can feel futile to attempt to “Find a Better Angle.” Yet, I fully believe in what I wrote. If you, with honest intent, change how you look at something, you will find good within it. But that does not mean the difficulty fades away. In much the same as if when standing in your front yard, you stare in shock at a broken window. By simply walking into your backyard, a different, unblemished view of your home will come into focus. Nonetheless, the front perspective has not changed, for the broken window remains.

Focusing on a different view can give you the strength to face whatever stands firm before you. It will provide a spark of hope.

“If a tree is cut down, there is hope that it will grow again and will send out new branches.”    (Job 14:7 NCV)

Hope brings a new and marvelous life.

A stately cherry tree dominates the center space within our backyard. It once sported massive duo branches at its base. Multiple years back, a devastating ice storm hit us. The weight of the ice severed one of the main branches. We surveyed our tree in grief, fearing it would die. Yet the following spring, numerous tender cherry tree twigs sprouted from the splintered wood. What once appeared dead gave forth to new and marvelous life.

Countless examples of this concept swarm throughout nature. We must be willing to open our eyes and see them. Tangible evidence of their existence surrounds us, whether we choose to accept or ignore their presence.

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Seek hope by walking around the corner.

I am not alone in unavoidably falling into despair. The extreme occurrences that flood today’s news broadcast can easily drag anyone into a cavern of hopelessness. So often, people become preoccupied with the question of “why?” Whenever this question invades your thoughts, be reminded to walk around the corner of what you are looking at. Instead of focusing on the “why,” ask “How? How do I use this for Your Glory?”


I do not believe God makes bad things happen. However, that does not mean our Savior consistently chooses to intervene. If God removed us from every challenging situation, it would stunt our growth. In the same way, if we had chopped down our seemingly dead cherry tree, it would never have sent out new life-giving sprouts. Accordingly, our Heavenly Parent sees our needs and our struggles. This knowledge gives us hope to lean on our Savior in trust, especially during our most desperate times.

We are not capable of fathoming the extent of the big picture. Neither may we ever know how this challenging moment fits in as a significant piece of the puzzle. We must remember that sometimes it becomes necessary to slip and fall. Only by stumbling can we receive the full extent of God’s perfect grace. That is something we can, with complete assurance, rest our hope on.

Hopefully, you have gained value from this blog post. If you have, I would like to offer you the opportunity to purchase my book, The Hidden DiamondBUY THE BOOK – Crystal MM Huntley, and support my mission to break the chains of abuse. We all know someone who needs a gentle push to approach this sensitive topic. Maybe that someone is you. The Hidden Diamond provides a perfect, safe avenue. I invite you to join the multitudes who have discovered the value within the covers of The Hidden Diamond.

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