Why is surrendering important? To surrender, we must make a choice. Do we fight against what will bring us peace or give in and allow Divine Knowledge to guide us?
We all have dreams. One of my dreams is to write a book that reaches the best-seller list. So far, that dream hasn’t manifested. My battle with overload and exhaustion due to health issues has caused me to significantly cut back the hours I spend on my writing ministry. Accepting this reality brings the realization that I cannot put in the work needed to fulfill my dream. As a result, my books and blog posts may never reach the multitudes. But I must remind myself that even reaching one soul makes everything worthwhile.
No one knows what the future has in store for us. Surrendering to my need to cut back has caused me to once again grieve the loss of what I thought I could do. Even so, I made the choice to surrender and trust in my Lord and His plan.
Surrendering requires humility. I wear a medic alert bracelet. I have placed a few charms on it. One is a miniature silver book. I added that charm to my bracelet shortly after my first book, The Hidden Diamond, was published to celebrate my achievement. Another charm is the image of two donkeys given to me by my grandparents many decades ago. Those donkeys were originally a part of my first charm bracelet from the 1980s. I moved this charm to my medic alert bracelet, which I wear daily because the donkey symbolizes humility. It is my reminder to always surrender humbly to my Lord.
Using Surrender to Battle Lies
I often battle a lie that whispers in my mind as I write. This lie says, “Who am I, and what do I have to offer that people would want to read my writings?” This deceitful thought is rooted in the fact that my parents shattered my self-esteem in my early years. However, like all of us, I have a choice. I can spend my lifetime cowering to that harmful lie while holding onto my broken sense of self-worth as an excuse. Or I can surrender to the calling to rise above it and become a strong member of society by offering my many God-given talents.
If I had chosen the first option, then I would not have written this blog. However, choices like that are never one-and-done because old wounds continue to fight for their familiar dominant place at the surface of the mind. But I become stronger each time I choose to overcome my wounded self and let my healed self shine.
I am not advocating that one should bury painful parts of their past. On the contrary, our wounded pieces must be doused in love and given care to heal properly. Our emotional wounds also need proper care, just like a gash in your arm. If not kept clean and protected, it will become infected. Such healing may require the help of a good therapist, opening up to a trusted friend, or private time spent journaling to access those inner wounds and bring them into the light. Once such injuries are exposed, the time to make a choice comes. Do I allow those wounds to rule my life, or do I choose to rise above them?
Surrender and Plant a Seed
Sometimes, we become disillusioned into believing that what we offer is too insignificant to make a difference, but small acts have a boundless impact. Small acts often build a solid foundation for a future to grow on.
1 Corinthians 3:5-9 says, “My work was to plant the seed … but it was God… who made the garden grow.”
Placing a tiny seed in the ground takes such a minute amount of work. Even the squirrel plants seeds as he buries his acorns. Yet this tiny act is crucial for the mighty oak tree to grow. Here comes the humility part—we do not make the oak tree grow. God does. However, our Good Lord asks for our participation. Our Lord asks us to plant the seed.
No Gift Is Insignificant.
We all have many valuable gifts to offer. Often, the most valuable ones are those minuscule acts of kindness. And every time we give, whether or not we are aware of it, the person who gives also receives. For instance, a member of our church, I will call her Louise, at age ninety-three, is now living in a nursing home. With no family of her own, the day-to-day existence within such a place can become quite depressing. Rich and I have, in a sense, adopted Louise, taking it upon ourselves to visit her weekly.
It can become challenging to carve out time each week, but the importance of our visits shouts with clarity each time we see the joy radiate from Louise’s face as we step into her room. Half of our time spent in her presence, she passionately states, “I’m so glad you’re here!”
We started this weekly ritual by answering a calling in our hearts to give joy to Louise. But we didn’t expect those visits also to fill us with so much joy. I look forward to each trip to get my “Louise fix.” So often, that is how it goes when giving: you end up being the receiver. Such an act of kindness becomes excellent medicine for the wounded soul, both the givers and the receivers.

To see more Crystalisms, go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/1360983917796761.
When wrapped up in the wounds of abuse, it becomes tempting to pull away from others and become ingrown. For more on this see, https://crystalmmhuntley.com/2024/04/is-solitude-good-for-you-discover-its-valuable-gift/. This natural action only makes things worse because it feeds on the harbored wounds. Yet, a sure step out of this destructive trend is to find a way to reach out and provide service to others.
If you need help in finding a place to volunteer your service at, https://commonsearches.net/index.php?rgid=416916&sub=gclid&zbulk=Local%20Charities%20Need%20Volunteers&gad_source=5&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI-9_G0dPyigMVckH_AR1L0R1nEAAYASAAEgLZ8PD_BwE can provide you with a place to start your search.
Surrender to the Call
Often, only a piddly amount of effort is required for the most impactful gifts a person gives. Recently, Rich and I needed to stay at a hotel for an out-of-town medical appointment. It would be easy to become downtrodden as we frequently deal with these types of appointments for my extensive medical care.
On this occasion, I stood at the hotel breakfast buffet, and a woman in front of me, stabilized by a walker, fumbled with frustration as she attempted to fill her plate. Others behind me showed agitation while this lady held up the line. Not caring what they thought, I set aside my plate and asked her what she wanted. I took the time to help her before taking food for myself. Relief shone on this lady’s face as her frustration melted. I walked away from that experience feeling fed in two ways. Nourishment fed my body, and joy fed my soul.
In my book The Hidden Diamond, Dakota discovers the blessings found in surrendering to the call to give as he and his parents plant a seed while they reach out to the grumpy man who lives across the street. This single seed germinates into something beautiful. I hope you take the time to read the blessing found within this story.
Some seeds germinate quickly, while others take much longer to sprout growth. In Robin’s Gift, the seeds of kindness planted by Robin and Melody into Natalie’s heart lie dormant for many years. I invite you to read this story and see how those seeds flourished into beauty.
I invite you to join me next week to explore the topic of moving into a better future.
Note to My Readers
Hopefully, you have gained value from this blog post. If you have, I would like to offer you the opportunity to purchase my books. You can purchase The Hidden Diamond and Robin’s Gift here at BUY THE BOOK – Crystal MM Huntley.
An additional site where you can find my books is https://bkbookshoppe.com. However, if you prefer to purchase from Amazon, you will find The Hidden Diamond at http://www.amazon.com/The-Hidden-Diamond-Crystal-MM-Huntley/dp/1665573767 and Robin’s Gift at https://www.amazon.com/Robins-Gift-Crystal-MM-Huntley/dp/B0CVL7746N.
Each purchase of my books supports my mission to break the chains of abuse. Once you have read either of my books, feel free to leave a review on the site you purchased from. Your review will encourage others also to seek out the path of healing.

Alexandra All souls are priceless no matter their past. A personal reason to testify. Assure myself with a pep talk. Boundaries Breaking Out Breathe into the space of peace. Complex CPTSD Continue to write for God. Difficult people can become a catalyst for growth. Discover My Newest Post Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Forgiveness Free Giveaway From Robin’s Gift God chooses. Grace Enters Hope How I got out of the wheelchair. Installing Healthy Boundaries Invite Keep up the good work. Master New Skills My Mission My Story No meaningful journey exists without pitfalls. Note To My Readers Resources Robin’s Gift Robin’s Gift – A Sneak Peak Share my healing journey. Taboo topics have infiltrated people. Take the Challenge Thank you. The Behind Story The Hidden Diamond Transcend into healthy boundaries. Upcoming Posts We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know. Why I Write Writing Is My Passion Writing Mirrors Life You Are Worthy! Your Gain “When I am weak then I am strong.”