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Announcing the Launch of My Latest Best Seller, Robin’s Gift

Announcing the Launch of My Latest Best Seller, Robin’s Gift

Announcing the launch of my latest best-seller, Robin’s Gift. It is easy to join our launch team. Be a part of the exclusive few to receive the benefits only given to members.

Announcing the Launch of My Latest Best Seller, Robin’s Gift
Announcing the Launch of My Latest Best Seller, Robin’s Gift

It’s almost time to launch my book, ROBIN’S GIFT, and I’d love for you to join my book launch team.

My launch team will receive an advance reader copy of my book. Then, we’ll meet in a private Facebook group from March 18 to April 5 and share ROBIN’S GIFT with your Facebook friends (and/or other social followers). We’ll also post book reviews on Amazon and other sites.

Thank-You Prizes

To thank you for helping me, we’ll have weekly prizes of $20 Amazon gift cards along with pop-up prizes. In addition, at the end of the launch, I will give away a GRAND PRIZE of a $50 Amazon gift card. I’d love for you to join me! All the details are on the application. This link will take you there:

Here is the cover and book description if you’d like to check it out:

Robin’s Gift – Lost and alone, Natalie’s biggest dream is a desire to be loved. A tragic accident calls her home. Can she return and face her greatest fear?

Natalie grew up in a troubled home. Trying to escape the horrors of her past, she fled from all she knew and attempted to start a new life. Shrouded in anonymity, she believed she had escaped her demons. Years later, Natalie embarks on a path that will challenge her deeply. With the courage to face her past, she discovers the hope of a new beginning. This modern twist on the Biblical story of the Prodigal Son invites readers to follow Natalie on a divine journey of self-discovery as she learns that, though her past may be filled with regret, God’s grace can always bring healing and peace.

The Inside Scoop

This story holds an extra special place in my heart, as you will discover when you read the dedication at the front of the book. It is a story of finding freedom through letting go of the past. Even God cannot change the past. No matter how hard you may try, at least subconsciously, you cannot forget it. Consequently, the only way to move beyond its painful moments is to heal from it. However, to do that, you must stop grasping tightly to regret, look for the blessings hidden within, and start to be grateful.

Twenty-two years ago, life’s situations ripped Natalie away from her two best friends and flung her into existence with the dominant purpose of attempting to escape her past. But after over a decade of running, a tragic event calls her home. Join me in discovering what Natalie strove to escape from and what it took to bring her back home to those who love her.

In this modern story of the Prodigal Son, you will discover the precious impact one life can have on another. You will also uncover the powerful effect of forgiveness and its ability to point a wayward person toward a life of joy.

Life has a way of delivering scars as we journey through its challenging moments. Yet “what you call a scar God refers to as His beauty mark.” Lucy, a beloved sage, supports Natalie in mustering up the courage to face her past and grow beyond the monumental obstacles that have kept her frozen in place. Subsequently, this growth allows Natalie to see the beauty within each one of her deeply etched scars.


I invite you to join my launch team and help spread the valuable message this story brings. Here is the link. It only takes a minute to fill out the simple application.

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