How to Stand Strong in Faith When Disaster Strikes

Do you know how to stand strong in faith when disaster strikes? Many of us don’t. It’s not an effortless skill to learn, yet I have had too many opportunities to practice it.

As I am writing this, I am in the midst of facing yet another disaster, this time a medical emergency with my daughter, who lives across the country from me.

Put Your Faith into Practice

When times like this hit, it is easy to panic. Yet, these become opportunities to put your faith in your Savior into practice. I wholeheartedly believe everything rests securely in our Lord’s loving hands. When life resembles complete chaos and devastation, then is the time we must turn to our Lord. Our loving Savior is the Master at turning tragedy into something beautiful. He uses our brokenness and makes us whole. This action is a part of His blessed plan, which we cannot comprehend.

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Moving Forward in Faith

As we contemplate how to handle this situation, Rich and I move forward with faith. It is not as easy as packing a bag and then driving more than seven hundred miles to her home. Nor is it as simple as hopping on an airplane. I, too, struggle with severe but not life-threatening health issues. The physical pain I battle daily exhausts me and vastly limits my capabilities. These include my ability to sit for an extended timeframe and travel.

The limited understanding I have gained from earthly experiences says that making the trip would be foolish. I fear the trip would cause my pain to rise to a level that would confine me to a bed. If this happens, my efforts to come to my daughter’s aid would be in vain, causing more stress than help. Yet, as her mother, I ache to be at my child’s side. I also wish to be with my two young grandchildren, who cry because their mother rests in a hospital.

God Is With Us

People are faced with unthinkable tragedies every day. Some health-related, as is mine. Others are due to disasters caused by extreme weather conditions. Then there are countless tragedies of other forms, including racial discord, injustices, domestic abuse …. Sadly, the list is endless.

Our human brains are incapable of handling such calamities. Psalms 57:2 reminds us that God understands what we are going through and is always there for us. Our Savior will help us with whatever it is we are facing. It doesn’t matter if it is something seemingly small or monumental. If it is important to us, it is important to our Heavenly Parent because we are important to God. I will still probably not know how we will handle this situation by the time I complete writing this blog post. Regardless of our decision, I am prescheduling this post to be assured one goes out on Sept 13th.

No matter how much effort we put into planning, our future will always remain unknown. Without faith, such uncertainty can shake a person to their very core. While amidst the bleakest of moments, it can be hard to remember what joy feels like. Take comfort in knowing that steady ground can always be found. This timeframe will pass.

Hopefully, you have gained value from this blog post. If you have, I would like to offer you the opportunity to purchase my book, The Hidden DiamondBUY THE BOOK – Crystal MM Huntley, and support my mission to break the chains of abuse.

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