How do you rebuild your foundation and remain rooted? Undoubtedly, the answer to this question baffles many of us. Why do some of us possess the blessing of being born into a family that fosters a firmly rooted foundation, like my character Dakota in The Hidden Diamond? While, at the same time, others suffer from a severely cracked infrastructure, unable to support a healthy life. I, too, the same way as Aldous, The Hidden Diamond’s main character, came from a vastly fractured footing. However, every foundation can be rebuilt, as I chose to do early on in my young adult life. It doesn’t matter when they embrace this monumental construction job during a person’s lifespan. For example, Aldous waited seven decades to begin his life’s journey overhaul.

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This Cannot Be Done in Isolation.
Such an extensive construction job cannot be completed in isolation. This is because of two crucial elements necessary to succeed—education and installing healthy boundaries.
Scripting The Hidden Diamond became a critical tool that I utilized to forge a firm foundation beneath my feet. It also helped me raise sturdy walls to form safe, breathable boundaries.
A Job for the Brave-hearted
Only the brave-hearted can succeed in this type of renovation job. Even more, as you swing that sledgehammer and bust concrete from the original structure, you will find yourself amid a mess. Dust will fly, covering you in a thick shroud of darkness. Consequently, tearing down the old construction exposes you to long-forgotten taboo truths.
You will become reacquainted with the same taboo truths a younger you fiercely objected to as you tightly clenched cover-up lies that rationalized your former position. These newly exposed and often harsh realities may bring you to your knees in crippling grief. However, keep in mind that no meaningful journey exists without pitfalls. Nevertheless, place a helmet of bravery upon your head and grasp God’s hand. You will make it to the other side and discover the reward far exceeds the effort.
Grace Enters
Part of any significant journey that stares truth in its face is an acceptance that, along the way, you will many times fail. And this is where grace enters.
It took me decades to accept such grace, freely offered to all of us by our Lord. Within the abusive home I was raised in, we were not allowed to make mistakes or even inquire. As a result, even as I flounder today, which frequently happens, I easily fall into that same black hole forged from lies carved into me as a child. Yet, as I grow with the knowledge of more truth, I tetter less often. Recently I heard the whisper that each mistake allows me an opportunity to experience God’s grace. I hold this truth close to my heart, knowing it came directly from God.
Note To My Readers
May all who indulge in my written creations find entertainment, enjoyment, and education. I also hope to inspire you to move forth in your healing journey.
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Alexandra All souls are priceless no matter their past. A personal reason to testify. Assure myself with a pep talk. Boundaries Breaking Out Breathe into the space of peace. Complex CPTSD Continue to write for God. Difficult people can become a catalyst for growth. Discover My Newest Post Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Forgiveness Free Giveaway From Robin’s Gift God chooses. Grace Enters Hope How I got out of the wheelchair. Installing Healthy Boundaries Invite Keep up the good work. Master New Skills My Mission My Story No meaningful journey exists without pitfalls. Note To My Readers Resources Robin’s Gift Robin’s Gift – A Sneak Peak Share my healing journey. Taboo topics have infiltrated people. Take the Challenge Thank you. The Behind Story The Hidden Diamond Transcend into healthy boundaries. Upcoming Posts We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know. Why I Write Writing Is My Passion Writing Mirrors Life You Are Worthy! Your Gain “When I am weak then I am strong.”