How to Cleanse Your First Perception of God.
How does someone cleanse their first perception of God? I had heard that our first perception of God comes from our childhood relationship patterned by our father. Those raised by…
How does someone cleanse their first perception of God? I had heard that our first perception of God comes from our childhood relationship patterned by our father. Those raised by…
Are You Trusting in Hope for a Better Life? Hardships press upon everyone, even the strongest among us. To remain solid against torrential storms, we must exercise hope as a…
Have lies kept your heart from being whole? None of us are complete, no matter who resides within our lives. A natural urge to fill empty caverns within our hearts…
Love yourself with truth and plant your roots in fertile ground. Often, this is not an easy thing to do. We all tend to close our eyes when reality becomes…
How do we beat defeatism? It plagues all of us. However, one sure way out of its trap is by assuming your mission in life. Do you accept yours? One…
Are you revealing private thoughts through this universal behavior? Do you fall within the ranks of this common trend? I know I do. I have noticed that people will speak…
I wanted my book, The Hidden Diamond, to appeal to both victims and perpetrators. Through the beauty of fiction, I changed the end of Aldous’s story from something tragic to a reason to rejoice. By doing this, hopefully, those who read it, whether victim or perpetrator, will tend to that spark of truth within them, and change the ending of their story before it’s too late.
Are you seeking a lifeline? If so, an overinflated pride can get in the way, making necessary lifelines hard to spot. We all have our ego side. You know, the…
Are You Seeking a Better Way to Hold onto Hope? Rest assured, blessings always persist, even amongst the most horrid. Lately, this has been a daunting truth for me to…
Even a Jumbled Mess Can Be Beautiful To see more Crystalisms, go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/1360983917796761. I looked at the overgrowth of weeds before me. Is it too late to tame this…