Are you revealing private thoughts through this universal behavior?

Are you revealing private thoughts through this universal behavior? Do you fall within the ranks of this common trend? I know I do. I have noticed that people will speak out on subjects they need to learn the most. Whether they do so through writing, preaching, or some other method, this trend rings true.

Which Comes First, Forgiveness or Healing?

I do this very thing in my writing. Due to the circumstances, I was born into, this act derived from a need to learn healing and forgiveness more than anything else. Sometimes I wonder which comes first, forgiveness or healing. I suppose the typical chicken or egg question can stump anyone. Do we first need to begin the healing process before we can forgive? Or do we need to start to forgive before we can heal? I feel positive the answer will vary according to the person and situation. Regardless of which comes first, the two themes of forgiveness and healing ring prominent in all my writings.

Bloom with Glory

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Consequently, to grow into a healthy person, applying those two concepts is critical. But first, no one can forgive and heal without honestly facing the occurrences within their life. It is easy to deny reality when it looms too horrifying to fathom. Because of this, I survived, existing in a state of amnesia for multiple decades. Its anesthetic value can be a blessed retreat to those who remain too fragile to see the truth. But never rely on it as a trusted friend. It will abandon you.

Windows Cracked Open

For me, windows had cracked open bit by bit, letting in a breeze of actualism-laced air. And so, I filed away each fragment of unwanted authentic information that clashed with my fantasy existence. As a result, that collection box slowly filled, accumulating to the brim with truth segments. Its looming presence left me no choice but to begin the monumental task of sorting through its contents. In doing so, I started the life-long mission of piecing together the reality of my life.

Such enlightenment is not easy to face, yet the freedom gained provides its reward. God deserves complete praise for carrying me through this process. Only through this undertaking could I have begun to heal and gain the strength to forgive. Many people refuse to take even the first step of this journey, which I have described. My mother is one of them. For her, no sacrifice is too great to remain sheltered within the clutches of deceit.

Mariam, from The Hidden Diamond

The Hidden Diamond

Mariam, from The Hidden Diamond, also partook in this action. She did not consider the destruction it caused. Mariam found it easier to fake ignorance than to be brave and protect her child. Those blessed to have never experienced this horror of life may be quick to criticize. In my battle with how to safely interact with my mother, I often waver from criticism to compassion. Like innumerable people, Mariam joined the factions who closed their eyes to the devastation inflicted upon their children. This cowardly action enables the abuser to spread violations across the generations like vicious cancer.

Grant Me Courage

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As stated in John 8:31-38, “The truth shall set you free.”  Yet it often takes great courage to face the truth, even when concealed by rotting discard. If you pull back the pile of decomposed vegetation, inevitably, you will find new growth. Remove the rank discard pile and set your seedlings free. Released these tiny shoots from captivity. Let their tender necks stretch into the warm sunshine, gulp a breath of fresh air, and mature.  

Hopefully, you have gained value from this blog post. If you have, I would like to offer you the opportunity to purchase my book, The Hidden DiamondBUY THE BOOK – Crystal MM Huntley, and in so doing, support my mission to break the chains of abuse.

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