Make Your Choice, Is It Taboo or Boundaries

Taboo or Boundaries? Today’s society is becoming increasingly aware of the numerous taboo topics that have infiltrated people since the fall of humankind. We can all be grateful that far fewer forbidden issues now exist than had in past generations. Taboo topics repress and isolate us like a concrete wall with an iron-clad gate. However, this can be overcome by properly formed boundaries, which provide healthy barriers. A healthy barrier acts like our lungs. They expand as we breathe in oxygen, then contract as we expel unwanted products.

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Our Main Character from The Hidden Diamond.

Aldous represents someone who transcends into a space of healthy boundaries from what once was taboo. The topic of his sin only recently found acknowledgment within our current news. Yet, it still remains an uncomfortable subject of discussion to many. All victims of this heinous crime must speak out if they are to fully heal. As we dare vocalize and publicize this violation, we open doors for others who have fallen victim to walk through.

True Healing

True healing cannot occur without space in your heart for forgiveness. The two come hand in hand. I understand that this is an unpopular view for many. We may never know why our perpetrators did what they did. Often, as in the case of Aldous, a wounded person never begins a healing journey. Instead, they attempt to bury their overabundance of hurt and shame. The problem with this method is that it does not work. Like any poisonous chemical buried within the soil, it ultimately will bleed into our water system. In the same way, our buried wounds also seep into our blood. Contamination becomes inevitable.

Not Merely a Survivor, Thrive in Life!

I wrote The Hidden Diamond with this core thought in mind. As I stated in my bio, I am numbered among the countless others victimized by these unimaginable crimes. I am blessed today to say that I am not merely a survivor but a thriver. This transformation occurred because I grasped Jesus’ hand and allowed Him to guide me down a path that led to healing. That path included extended forgiveness for my perpetrators, who also are children of God.

Hopefully, you have gained value from this blog post. If you have, I would like to offer you the opportunity to purchase my book, The Hidden Diamond, BUY THE BOOK – Crystal MM Huntley, and support my mission to break the chains of abuse.

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