A Journey of Healing

Crystal MM Huntley is a two-time published author, blogger, open advocate against abuse, and featured guest on many prominent podcasts. She writes passionately about issues closest to her heart. The stories Crystal molds stem from her own experiences.

The Hidden Diamond

The Hidden Diamond is a powerful story of forgiveness. We each have wounds that beg to be mended. Only God’s love provides us the strength so that we may forgive and fully heal.

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Robin's Gift

This modern twist on the Biblical story of the Prodigal Son invites readers to follow Natalie on a divine journey of self-discovery as she learns that God's grace can always bring healing and peace.

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Read Crystal's Latest Blog Posts

The written word bubbles out of me with zest. As far back as I can remember, I have dreamed of being a published author. And now, with that dream a reality, I am ecstatic to share it with you as I reveal what presses most upon my heart.

Most of my posts divulge further behind-the-scenes aspects of The Hidden Diamond and Robin’s Gift. I am also committed to sharing topics that fill me with passion. This dedication urges me to continue writing both within this blog and additional books in the makings. I will expand on ideas relating to these two books and introduce future books as I get closer to publication.