Do You Feel You Are Enough? Know Your Unique Value.

Do you feel you are enough? Know your unique value. Don’t let anyone steal it away. An abuser robs their victims of self-worth. The effects of abuse are life-changing. If such wounds are not faced, they become life-lasting. Abusive wounds are never superficial. The surface view displays only the tip of what runs deep within the victim’s soul.

Survival Tactics

Abuse victims often develop survival tactics. In my case, one of those tactics included living in a mental fantasy land. This delusional space provided a protective shield that allowed me to deny the reality that surrounded me. Since advancing in my healing journey, it amazes me how many exist this way. Because I have healed enough to know the marks of abuse, I see these traits within others. I am saddened by how many people hold tight to their blinders while immersing themselves in such delusional fantasies. I find it hard to accept that only the victim can remove their blinders. More harm than good can occur if a well-meaning friend attempts to bring enlightenment before the victim is ready.

Where Is Your Self-Esteem Rooted?

Let’s get back to the original topic. The self-esteem roller-coaster takes its toll on all of us, whether victims of abuse or not. If not kept in check, it will become a continuous force acting against you, zapping your precious energy. Where is your self-esteem rooted? Prestige, wealth, work title, your parents, children, spouse? God is the only secure place to root self-esteem and stop the perpetual up-and-down roller-coaster effect.

The Hidden Diamond

Abuse robs victims of their sense of self-worth, producing a healing challenge. Without believing in their value as a child of God, that person lacks motivation to fight for themself. As a result, lacking this crucial ingredient, a victim remains captive long after their assailant no longer exists in their life.

Aldous, from The Hidden Diamond, suffered from this tragedy. Aldous never removed his blinders. But even when ignored, the effects of abuse continue to erode the soul—much like how mold grows in a darkened and unchecked space. Aldous lacked the self-worth to face his truth. As a result, years after escaping his abuser, Aldous carried those damaging traits into his new life. He continued to forge the chain links of abuse. This forging will not stop unless someone gains the strength to break free from their chain.

Breaking Chain Links of Abuse

Abuse during my childhood robbed me of self-worth and so much more, forging multiple links. Then, twenty-six years with a very abusive man—the father of my children—formed even more chain links. Finally, I escaped to a shelter and sought refuge for six months. While there, my links began to break. I give great credence to local shelters. Their sacrificial work is monumental as they provide abuse victims protection and guidance to start a new, healthy life.

I relocated multiple states away from my abuser and started a new life in a safe and loving environment. Even though I had left the threat of abuse, its heavy emotional chains remained tightly shackled to my wrists. It took years of therapy and hard work to face the reality of what I had survived. Next, I had to learn a new way of existence while gaining an accurate view of my world. This type of work is not for the faint of heart. It requires complete commitment but is worth every bit of dedication. Without such devotion, a victim will never be entirely free from those chains.

Our Value in Christ

A step toward freedom is recognizing a truth written within scripture. Because God made me in His divine image, I am enough.

Matthew 10:29-31 tells us of God’s immense love for the common sparrow, yet we are loved immeasurable more. Our Heavenly Parent’s love is so intimate with us that God even knows how many hairs cover our heads. No human being could ever understand us at such an enduring level.

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The mere fact that you are not only a creation but a child of God makes you valuable beyond measure. Claim your value, take the necessary steps toward freedom, and break those chains—Let God set you free.

If trapped in an abusive situation, here is a place where you can find help. Domestic Violence Support | National Domestic Violence Hotline ( Call their hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or text “START” to 88788. This website is also posted on

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