How to Beat Defeatism. Accept Your Mission in Life.

How do we beat defeatism? It plagues all of us. However, one sure way out of its trap is by assuming your mission in life. Do you accept yours? 

One of the reasons why I write is to embrace this charge. Writing is a skill that God placed in me. I believe our Maker gives individual talents to every person for a specific purpose. Hence, these distinctive abilities were imprinted within your being as part of your calling, entrusted to you for a reason. All skills woven within me are tools to fulfill the mission I have received. The same is true for you and everyone else. The experiences within my rattled-with-abuse horrendous past, perfectly equipped me with everything I need to fulfill this life-work calling. the author.

Climbing Mountains

Overcoming abuse is one Mount Everest I continuously climb. In addition, the ceaseless struggle for good health looms over me as yet another mountain to scale. Consequently, we all have a barricade by mountains in various forms. This obstruction exists because the tainting of this world splatters every soul at conception. As a result, the only way out of this trap is by scaling the rocky mountainsides. Abuse within the family we are born into may be one of them, and poor health may be another. Both completely doused me.

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The Importance of Memory Jogs

I must repeatedly remind myself of the formidable truth that the struggles staring me down provide essential components for my mission. This memory jog fills me with purpose, reason, and strength. For this reason, I remind myself of this each time I fall into the dark shadows left behind by the cloaked trail of abuse. And additionally, every day I battle pain and exhaustion, I remind myself. This persistent reminder does help, but it also carries a crucial downfall called overwhelm. Yep, you saw it, a third mountain to scale.

Quiet Raging Storms

Admittedly, I contribute to this constant struggle of being overwhelmed. I do this by striving, in vain, to match the capabilities of others. I want to run with the marathonists! But I have not been granted the ability. Needless to say, I have yet to find peace in fully accepting the perfect creation of me. Instead, I wrestle daily with the fact that I have always been unable to match the adeptness of others.

The physical strain on my body alone due to Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome robs me of such stamina. Also, the mental burden of always being caught in some healing phase from past programmed abuse drains me. With these two elements together, I don’t have a chance. Times like this, I must quiet the storms that rage within my soul. One way I do this is by focusing on the Serenity Prayer by Reinhold Niebuhr. Serenity Prayer – God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot (

During my high school years, I had my first exposure to this sacred prayer. It hung on the wall behind the grand piano in the front room of my beloved piano teacher’s home. Miss Lou has long since joined her Maker in Heaven. I have no doubt God sent her to me as an earthly angel to help me navigate the trials in my life. I someday look forward to thanking her.

Be God’s Perfect Creation

I may tetter far more readily as I walk my tightrope than those blessed with good health and a sound family-of-origin foundation, but that doesn’t make me any less valuable of a person. God created each one of us of equal value. We are all perfect in the sight of our Lord. Pull back that cover that holds you in the shadows of deception and step out into the Light. Now be that perfect creation God intended you to be.

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Abuse Through Image A Reinterpretation Back to My Story Boundaries Breaking Out Direct Forms of Religious Abuse Domestic Abuse Defined Excerpt from The Hidden Diamond Faith Shattered From Robin’s Gift Happenings or Interpretations? Hope Indirect Forms of Religious Abuse Invite Long-term Effects My Fight for You Note To My Readers Perfection’s Curse Religious Abuse vs. Spiritual Abuse Resources Robin’s Gift Robin’s Gift – A Sneak Peak Seeking Help Seek Understanding Shame Has No Place Step Five Step Four Step One Step Six Step Three Step Two Summer’s Story Take a Step Back. Take the Challenge The Commitment to Braking Chains of Abuse The Hidden Diamond The Scars of Abuse Two Other Forms of Legal Abuse Unhealed Wounds Unwittingly Harm Others. Unveiling the Hidden Crime Upcoming Posts We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know. What Is Legal Abuse? Why I Write You Are Worthy!